February 20, 2014

Moving on up...To the 8th floor!!

Well... We finally have both boys in level 2! This is where the babies go who are close to going home and are just working on feeding! The Drs were able to put us in one of the rooms for multiples which is a lot bigger and it's private. We have our own bathroom and the couch makes into a bed so we can sleep here if we want! Tonight will be my first night with the boys to stay over night! I'm a little nervous but I need to get use to waking up every 3 hrs!  It is some what quiet up here. Even though the boys monitors might not be going off, there are other babies whose do. When that happens it comes up on our monitor. That way if a nurse is with another baby she can go check on the one beeping. Also, I can be more of a mommy up here which is nice! Now a little bit about the boys!

Cann man! 5lb 11 oz. 
Look who doesn't have his oxygen anymore!! Hallelujah, praise The Lord! This sweet boy has just been making leaps and bounds! Since they started him back on his caffiene they have been able to ween him completely off oxygen. Our Dr. said they will try and stop the caffiene this weekend or Monday and watch him to see how he does! They also moved him up to 6 bottles a day! I am so proud of him!! We should hear soon from neuro about what their plans are for Cannon long term! Please be praying for that!

Cannon and Braxton also got some Meme time this week!!

Brax man! 5lb. 14oz. 
Braxton is still doing really well and we got the best news of all for him today!! His PDA has closed on its own!! What a  miracle!! We have been praying for this to happen and it did! God listens and our God is so good to us! So thankful that Braxton will not have to have surgery! He was getting ready to go home this week and then he started to not finish his bottles again at night. So they backed him down to 6 bottles a day. Nurses say he is getting tired but I think he is waiting for Cannon to catch up so they can go home together. He doesn't want to leave him behind! We are ok with that! The longer they can stay together the better and easier on us it will be. They have also backed off of Braxton's calories because he is gaining weight at a good rate now.
Also, we may just have an answer to the question you all have been asking and we keep avoiding. When are they coming home?? The answer is...drum roll please... Two more weeks!!!! That is if everything stays on track with bottle feeding and growing! The Dr. told me today and I didn't even have to ask, that not next week but the next they would try and send them home. If they are cooperating of course. Please keep them in your prayers for continued growth, strength, better breathing and stamina to be able to finish their bottles!

One last thing! Both boys had their last eye exam yesterday and all was great!! Tears of joy were definitely rolling down my face! So grateful this will not be an obstacle for them to overcome. The Dr. on her way out said, "Have a nice life!" Boy are we going to! I can already tell these two boys will keep us young!

You guys are so wonderful to have stuck by our side throughout every step of this journey! I know it sounds corny to say we couldn't have done it without you but we truly would not have been able to! We are so blessed to be from wonderful small towns and work in such a supportive community! You guys are so near and dear to our hearts and love that you have been with us during this special time in our lives! We can't wait to tell the boys how loved they are by so many!

I will keep you all posted!!

Trusting in him,
Shawn, Hali, Cannon and Braxton

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