January 8, 2014

1 month old!!!

I know it has been a while since the last update but every time I go to post, something new happens but that's to be expected! The boys are now 1 month old!! I cannot believe that a month of their life has already gone by. Everyone says it goes fast and it sure does! The boys are actually supposed to only be 32 weeks today and have 8 more weeks in my tummy! Still hard to believe that they are already here but we sure are loving every minute of seeing their sweet faces and watching them grow! 

Here is the latest on both of the boys. Cannon first since he is the oldest! (By the way, he is saying gig 'em Aggies here!!)
Cannon is now 3lb. 13oz. He is still at Chrildrens Memorial Herman. Since all of the leaking of the Chyleothorax and the Thorasic Duct surgery he has completely stopped all of his leaking from his chest tube! Thank you Jeaus! The chest tube is still in but only because when they started him on his feeds they needed to make sure that the leaking didn't reoccur because the fat in the milk could cause the leaking to start again. He now takes a special formula called Enfaport made special for babies with this problem. He is taking his feeds wonderfully and no leaking has occurred so hopefully that will come out soon! He has also been doing really well respiratory wise. He is still on the ventilator but they have been able to ween his settings every day and that's great! The plan for him was to go back to Texas Woman's with Braxton on Thursday of this week. Wednesday morning Dr. Sandberg (neurologist) called Shawn and told him that during the night the nurse noticed that he was leaking fluid from the place where the reservoir was put in. He said he isn't overly concerned because Cannon was not showing any signs of infection and his ventricles are not enlarged and his soft spot feels great. So he used stitches this time instead of glue. Since this happened he said he did not want him to go back to Texas Woman's until he watches him for another week just to make sure he doesn't have to do anything to him. He did say that he was very surprised with Cannon because he wasn't having to tap him as often as he does his other babies with reservoirs and said that's a good thing. We are so proud of Cannon and are in awe of his strength everyday! I am beyond ready to be able to hold my sweet Cannon again! It has been 3 weeks since I have held him. He has been through so much and I just want to give him some comfort and make him feel better! We are ready for him to be back with Braxton but we know that he is where he needs to be right now and we will remain patient! 

Braxton continues to progress every day! 
He now weighs 3lb 12oz! He is getting to wear clothes now and I will admit that it is so much fun getting to pick out his outfits and dress him every day! The only thing that concerns them still about Brax is his PDA (vessel in the heart) is still open. They say until he is symptomatic from it they will just let it be because it could still close on its own. Please pray that it does because if not they may have to do the surgery that Cannon had and could cause him to be there longer. Plus that surgery is the reason Cannon had all the leaking in his Thoracic Duct and had to have the chest tube. We do not want to have to go through that again! Braxton had a big day today!! He was switched from CPAP to a nasal cannula! That just means he is getting less support! If he does well on this he could possibly get to go to level 2 in the next couple weeks! He still has some Brady's (where he pauses his breathing and drops his heart rate) during his feeds but that's normal and will grow out of that as his lungs mature! We are so proud of him and his progress and love getting to hold him every day!

I'm sad the Holidays are over because Shawn had to go back to work. We are getting back into our routine that we had before Christmas break. I am enjoying my one on one time with Cannon and Braxton though! It is nice to have a few moments alone during all the chaos. Most of the time I am with the boys they are usually asleep so I don't like to bother them by touching and talking to them. I save that for when they are awake! I do sing to them while they're sleeping (I try to spare them from my awful voice) but I spend most of my time there in prayer for the boys! It helps keep me calm in that stressful environment with all the beeps and machines going off! 

We are loving all of your comments on our pictures of the boys! It's so encouraging to see all of your positive thoughts! Thank you for loving our boys already and for praying for them daily! Also, thank you for your prayers for Shawn and I. Through God and your prayers we are able to find strength and remain calm when things get a little hairy! Prayer is so powerful and we have seen it work wonders on our boys already! Please keep them coming and let's pray these boys home soon! You all mean the world to us and we are so grateful for each of you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Trusting in him,
Shawn, Hali, Cannon & Braxton

This one crack me up with his cross eyes!


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog Hali and so thankful your boys are growing and improving daily! Praise God! Great things HE has done. Praying for full development of lungs and heart and that no more surgical intervention will be needed. Praying for continued peace and wisdom for Shawn and you as you pray and sing God's Word over your little boys.
    Blessings, Jeannie Selke
