December 29, 2013

What little fighters we have!!

It just never seems to get dull around here with these sweet baby boys! I'm sure this is a little preview of what our lives will be like with twin boys :)

On Thursday, we had just received the good news that Cannon's reservoir was not accumulating very much fluid and they hadn't tapped it since two days after the surgery which is good. They said that Cannon was one of the very very few that probably won't have to be tapped very often. His ventricles had also reduced back to normal size. Also, Braxton's brain ultrasound came back and and his bleeds are better and his ventricles had not swollen anymore. Dr. Sandberg was very pleased with both of them!! Wants repeat ultrasounds next week. We were on cloud 9! Tears of joy were being shed from everyone! Then 3 hours later we get the call that Cannon will need another surgery. Talk about ups and downs! Pure happiness one second then back to worry and concern the next! Everyone keeps telling me that that is life in the NICU but I didn't know it would be that extreme. 

So Cannon was getting ready for his 3rd surgery. That makes 3 in 3 weeks. More than I have had in 26 years! I put a brief description of what the surgery was for on Facebook just to get the prayers going but I will explain everything now so that you all can better understand what is going on.

4 days after the boys were born Cannon and Braxton both had PDA's. That is a vessel that is open in the heart that is supposed to be closed but is usually open in all preemies. Cannon had to have a surgery to close his because he wasn't going to be able to breathe on his own without it being shut and Braxton tried a medicine. The surgery was a success but we didn't find out until last week that when they were in there they punctured his thoracic duct causing him to leak Chyelothorax. They said that usually the leak repairs itself over time but Cannon was leaking so much that his little body wasn't able to replace all he was putting out. They had to give him lots and lots of replacement fluids to try to keep up with his output. Finally they made the decision to have a surgery that would repair the leak but they told us that this surgery was very complicated and trying to find the leak would be like trying to find a human hair. So Friday morning Cannnon had his 3rd surgery and it was a success! They told us that it would take a couple of hrs because it can be so hard to find but it only lasted a little over an hr and everything went well. She said that when they opened him up, they sat there staring at him trying to find the leak and then after while she saw a tiny bubble and said "There it is!" and stitched it up! We saw him a couple of hrs after surgery and that sweet baby was so out of it he was hardly moving but the leaking had completely stopped!! Our God is so awesome and amazing! We are so blessed that he sent us a Dr. that was patient enough to find the leak! Cannon is doing better and better every day after this last surgery and is looking as sweet as can be! That little boy is so strong and his definitely showing his Mommy how to be tough! I think he can sense that some days his mommy is weak and those tend to be the days that he is strong! Seeing them fight every day takes quite a toll on is but I am able to be at peace because I know that both of our boys will be just fine because they are in the hands of The Lord! There is nothing Shawn nor I can do but sit back and watch God work miracles through our boys!

Braxton is doing so well and we are so proud of him! He is on the fast track to gaining some serious weight!! Can't wait to see that little boy with some meat on him! They have increased his feeds to 27 ml every 3 hrs. and also put a fortifier with it to give him some extra calories!! This is normal for preemies in the NICU. He is weighing 3.2 pounds and will be able to wear clothes at 3.8! Almost there!!! He is still on CPAP and doing great with that. His oxygen stays around 25-35%! Nurses say he is exactly where he needs to be! Thank you Lord! We get to hold him every day! It is wonderful medicine for both our souls to be able to love on him and get lots of kisses! Both grandmothers were even able to hold Brax. What a treat!! 

We are so grateful for the wonderful Dr.s and nurses that take care of the boys daily! They truly are amazing to be able to work on such tiny bodies! Thank you God for surrounding us with the talented surgeons you created for us! They really love the boys and and Braxton's nurses and Dr.s ask about Cannon every day and can't wait for him to come back! They all miss him!

Every week I have a different verse that I clinged to that gets me through the week but this week it's a song! Praise you in This Storm by Casting Crowns. My favorite part is...

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain, "I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls I raise my hands
And praise the God who gives and takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands
For You are who You are no matter where I am
And every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Thank you for helping us get through the first 3 weeks! It has been the longest 3 weeks of our lives and the journey has just begun! Please continue to pray that the boys keep getting stronger and healthier each day! You all have been amazing and there are not enough words to show our gratitude for your prayers over the boys! Please know we are more than grateful! 

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Shawn, Hali, Cannon & Braxton

Brax says I love you all this much! Sending y'all an air hug!!
The boys with their football man towels!
We love out skin to skin time!
Sweet Cannon!! As Shawn would call him.. Cann Man! He is our little fighter!
Holding Cannon's hands Christmas morning!
Their first stockings!
Their first Christmas present! 
Such a sweet face! 
Brax was wide awake looking at his mommy! I think I know what he is thinking..."Mommy, let's bust outta here, go get Cannon and let's go home!"
They each have a picture of their brother!!
Love our sweet Cann Man!!
Got a picture of Braxton without his tubes!! So sweet!
BB changing little Braxton!
Braxton got some Grandmother time!! 
Loved my surprise shower!! My friends are the best!



  1. Dear Ms. Bell, reading this just streamed tears down my eyes. The battle these 2 little guys have gone thru at such a young age is unbelievable. The sweetest thing was reading about each of them having a picture of each other. I am a twin so I know the bond these 2 little guys are building today and will have as long as they live. I will continue to pray for these little guys as well as you and Coach Bell to have the continued faith and strength you will need each and every day. Early Happy New Year wishes!!
    Liz Broussard

  2. May God continue to shower you all with His grace and mercy, providing for your every need. May He keep His loving healing hands on Cannon and Braxton, strengthening them and growing them into full and complete good health, so they will thrive and develop as beautiful examples of answered prayer. Bless you! We are praying hard for you all, giving God the glory for the great things He has done and will continue to do for your new family.
    In His Service,
    Your friends at First United Methodist Church, Clifton

  3. Coach and Mrs. Bell,
    Have been thinking and praying for you and your babies since I found out they had been born. shawn's cousin had twins @ 27 weeks, weighed 2.5 and 2.6 lbs. They are now a year old and doing great. Hold onto your faith. And know that all of Magnolia is with you.
    Ann Marie Pierce(Shawn)
