October 5, 2013

Bell Boys update

On Monday Sept. 30th we had a routine appointment with our high risk Dr. Chatman. We have known since we found out we were having twins that we would be seeing her at around 18 weeks in our pregnancy. Shawn was not able not go with me because of football practice and it was just supposed to be a normal checkup. The ultrasound tech. came in first and confirmed that it was for sure two sweet little BOYS!! We knew at our 16 wk appointment that we for sure had one boy but my OB, Dr. Sullivan, wasn't for sure on baby A. Then we continued to look at every single inch of the boys and also let me see them in 4D. Their heart rates were 155 and 160. He said that baby B will be our feisty one because he would not stay still for the pictures. He also said that we had two perfectly healthy boys...music to our ears!! Towards the end of the scan he asked me if I had been having and pressure or pain in my pelvic area. I told him no because I had actually felt great just had been tired from standing at work all day. Next, Dr. Chatman (woman) came in and also told me that the babies looked great but they wanted to do a vaginal exam which was normal. At the end of the exam they both saw something that they didn't like. They let me get dressed and then came back in to explain things to me. I already was very scared and emotional because I could tell by her tone and look on her face that something was up. When she came back in, she put a picture of my cervix up on the big screen and explained to me that my cervix has already started to open and that baby A's water sack is in my cervix. Of course I immediately start asking questions if it was something that I did wrong and she did assure me that it was nothing I did but that it is very common in twins. The reason I hadn't been feeling any pain is because I have what they call an "incompetent cervix" which allowed me to feel normal. She went over some options with me but from the get go she was just not very compassionate and I didn't really hear anything she said after that because my emotions took over. She did say that I could not go back to work and needed to be on bed rest to take pressure off my cervix until we decided what to do.

I left the office and it was a long emotional drive back to Magnolia from The Woodlands. I went to Shawn's practice and told him everything she had said and he immediately came home so we could talk about things. Also, after my amazing mom heard the word bed rest she of course hopped in her car and got here as fast as she could.

The next morning we got on the phone and got an appointment with Dr. Chatman so that she could explain things to my mom and Shawn. That afternoon we went back and she explained we had some options. Of course one was bed rest which I am doing. Another, is a progesterone shot once a week that would help calm my cervix and uterus down and we did that before we left the office. The last one is the one we are still debating. It is called a cerclage. They would go in while I was asleep and put a stitch in my cervix to try and close it up. The bad thing is there are risks with that. Since baby A's water is already in my cervix she would not be able to go as high up and she would like. It also has a chance of busting and then busting the water sack which would then lead to pre-term labor and infection. She said that there is no wrong choice and that she would do anything we like.

As you can imagine this was a lot to take in for all of us. On the way home we all three did not feel very comfortable with our high risk Dr. and thought it best to get a second opinion. A close friend of our family, Brittani Oliver, and also a twin mommy who gave birth at 28 weeks had a friend that had the same thing that I was going through and had a high risk dr named Dr. Brian Kirshon. She said she absolutely loved him and he was just amazing. After a few phone calls to some friends and family we heard of a few other twin mommies who had him and all had successful births! We immediately call his office and try to get an appointment and we weren't able to get in until Oct. 23rd without a referral. That date is too far and every day counts that we can keep our sweet boys in my tummy. So I call my OB who I love, Dr. Sullivan (she's an Aggie :) and explain to her we would like a second opinion and she agreed. Her office made some calls and were able to get us in for this next Monday!!! Praise The Lord!!

We are excited about meeting Dr. Kirshon and hearing what he has to say because we
hear he is the best in Houston. Until then, I have ben on strict bed rest. Only getting up for the restroom and a shower every 3rd day.. So gross but so worth it! My incredible mom has been here with me all week taking care of me cooking and cleaning. I don't know what I would do without her! My dad will be here next week and other family members and friends have volunteered their time to help and be with me! We are so blessed to have such loving and caring people in our lives that already love our boys so much. Shawn has been my rock through all of this. So strong for every piece of news we get. Reassuring me that this was God's plan for us and the boys and it will all turn out to be great when we are holding our boys in our arms.  I'm so blessed God created him to be my partner for times like these! If you know me very well you know I don't like things to be about me and for people to have to drop what they are doing to cater to me. I like to do the catering and be there for other people but I have accepted that it is my time to be taken care of and that one day I will just return the favor wherever I can.

I will update as we get more news so that you all can keep up with us and get those prayers going!! We believe in the power of prayer and see it work in our lives every day! We serve a mighty God whose works are indescribable! Every day counts and I'm grateful to God for every day that we have
our boys!!

Much love,
The Bells

1 comment:

  1. Love all 4 of you. Praying for you daily and thinking about you all constantly. You all have been there to help spoil us in times of need hoping to be able to spoil you soon.
